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Well it has been quite a while since I have posted here. My job at TVI Designs is going well.

Other than that I am in Annecy, France right now, attending the Annecy Animation Film Festival as press for my company Animators Unite, Inc. Originally I was going to go as part of Bill Plympton’s group, but he convinced me that a press pass was better. I guess that it is being that now I don’t have to get up at 7 am to stand in line for my tickets.

I spent most of the weekend in Paris with Brain and Stacey, who are also here at the festival. We wen to the Lourve, Efiel Tower and to many other things. After that I took the TGV to Annecy, which is about 300 km away.

Any who, I have to get back to watching films. Here is a link to pics for my first days here, none of Annecy yet, I will try and get to those later.

Paris / TGV pictures

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